

Z-bond” is a type of financial security that is often associated with collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) or mortgage-backed securities (MBS). The “Z” in Z-bond stands for “accrual bond,” and it represents a specific class of bond within the structure of a CMO.


Structure within CMOs:

Z-bonds are part of the tranches or classes created within a CMO.

CMOs are securities that are backed by a pool of mortgage loans, and they are structured with different classes or tranches, each having its own risk and return profile.

Accrual Bond Characteristics:

Z-bonds are also known as accrual bonds because they do not make periodic interest payments like traditional bonds.

Instead, interest accrues and is paid at maturity or when other classes of bonds within the CMO structure are retired.

Subordinate Position:

Z-bonds are typically the most subordinate class in the CMO structure.

They are the last to receive payments, both interest and principal, after other tranches have been satisfied.

Risk and Return:

Due to their subordinated position, Z-bonds carry higher risk compared to other classes.

However, in compensation for the higher risk, Z-bonds usually offer higher yields.

Cash Flow Waterfall:

In the cash flow waterfall of a CMO, Z-bonds are at the bottom.

Interest and principal payments from the underlying mortgage pool flow through the higher tranches before reaching the Z-bond.

Residual Interest:

Z-bonds are sometimes referred to as the “residual” or “equity” tranche because they represent the residual interest in the cash flows from the underlying mortgages.

Interest Rate Sensitivity:

Z-bonds can be sensitive to changes in interest rates, and their prices may fluctuate based on interest rate movements.

Understanding the structure and characteristics of Z-bonds is crucial for investors in mortgage-backed securities. These securities are complex and often require a thorough understanding of the underlying collateral and the specific terms of the CMO structure.

It’s important to note that the details of Z-bonds can vary based on the specific CMO in which they are issued, so investors should carefully review the offering documents for any investment.


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