Tax-Loss Harvesting


Tax loss harvesting is an investment strategy where investors intentionally sell investments that have incurred a capital loss to offset capital gains and reduce their overall tax liability. This proactive approach is aimed at optimizing after-tax returns within the bounds of tax regulations.

Detailed Explanation:


Selling Underperforming Investments: Investors strategically sell investments that are currently at a loss.

Offsetting Gains: The capital losses are used to offset capital gains realized elsewhere in the portfolio.

Wash Sale Rule:

Avoiding Immediate Repurchase: To comply with tax regulations, investors typically refrain from repurchasing the same or substantially identical securities for a designated period.


Tax Efficiency: Helps minimize taxes on investment returns by offsetting gains with losses.

Portfolio Optimization: Enables investors to rebalance portfolios without triggering significant tax consequences.


Selective Selling: Identifying specific investments with losses to sell strategically.

Balancing Act: Balancing the desire for tax savings with maintaining an optimal investment portfolio.


If an investor has a stock that has incurred a ₹5,000 capital loss, they may strategically sell that stock to offset a ₹5,000 capital gain from another investment, reducing the overall taxable gain.


Tax loss harvesting is a strategic investment approach that involves selling underperforming investments to offset capital gains, thereby minimizing tax liabilities. This proactive strategy requires careful consideration of tax regulations and can contribute to overall portfolio optimization.


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