Return on Investment (ROI)


Return on Investment (ROI) is a financial metric used to measure the efficiency and profitability of an investment relative to its cost. It indicates the return, usually in percentage terms, generated on the investment relative to the initial investment cost.

ROI Calculation:

ROI=(Net Profit / Cost of Investment)×100

Key Insights:

Profitability Assessment: Evaluates the efficiency of an investment in generating profits.

Comparison Tool: Allows comparison between different investment opportunities or projects.


Performance Evaluation: Measures the success of an investment in generating returns.

Decision-Making: Aids in decision-making by assessing the potential returns against the initial cost.


An individual invests in a REIT focusing on commercial properties, allowing them to benefit from rental income and potential property appreciation without owning the properties outright.


What is a good ROI?

A good ROI varies across industries and depends on risk tolerance, but generally, an ROI higher than the initial cost is considered favorable.

How does ROI help in decision-making?

ROI assists in comparing various investment options, helping in identifying potentially more profitable ventures.

What factors can affect ROI?

Factors include initial investment costs, timeframes, unexpected expenses, and the accuracy of profit calculation.

How can ROI be used in different contexts?

ROI can be applied to various investments, projects, marketing campaigns, and business initiatives to gauge their effectiveness.


Return on Investment (ROI) is a fundamental metric that measures the profitability of an investment relative to its initial cost. It serves as a valuable tool for assessing the efficiency of investments and aids in decision-making by evaluating potential returns.


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